Student Support

Adult student with a laptop wearing headphones in a meeting room with text reading you have resources to get you there

We want you to have a positive online experience, so it’s important to review the information below to get you going. We recommend doing this at least a week prior to the first day of classes.

If at any time you have a question regarding your online course or program, contact us at 515-294-3916 or at Iowa State Online!

Kyle Kempt

“The professors and advisers in my online program were incredible. Not only were they very encouraging, they also helped me set up a schedule to graduate on time while working full-time.”

Kyle Kempt, MS ’22 family and consumer sciences – youth development

Online Courses Laptop Image Feature with Small Image 1244 x 830

Online Courses

“The professors and advisers in my online program were incredible. Not only were they very encouraging, they also helped me set up a schedule to graduate on time while working full-time.”