Gerontology – Master’s


With more people over the age of 65 alive today than any other period in history, now is the time to advance your knowledge in assisting the elderly. Iowa State University’s online master’s in gerontology applies a cross-section of university-wide disciplines to your study of aging as you prepare for a career in a profession with almost unlimited growth and reach.


We live in an aging society in which the older population is growing both in absolute numbers and in proportion to all other age groups. Businesses, government agencies, service organizations, educational institutions, and self-employed professionals from every economic sector are recognizing the need for specialized knowledge and skills to meet the needs of this changing demography.

Gerontology offers challenging and rewarding careers in a rapidly growing area which needs people with a broad range of skills.

Diverse career specializations

People who are interested in this diverse field come from many disciplines, professions, and clinical areas, such as:

Social work
Nursing Counseling
Public policy
Long-term care administration
Adult education
Rehabilitation therapy

Scholarship Details

Up to $1,800 in scholarships for new students!*

  • No extra steps: Automatically receive the first of three $600 scholarships when you enroll in your first two program courses.
  • To learn more about our scholarship for online students, contact us!

*Restrictions may apply to ISU employees

Collaborative Advantage of IDEA

The Innovative Digital Education Alliance

Achieve your personal and professional goals through convenient, flexible, high-quality coursework you can complete anytime, anywhere. As a student in Iowa State University’s Gerontology Master’s program, you will learn from expert faculty who bring real-life experience to the coursework and are committed to helping you transition your learning beyond the online classroom into your career.

The Gerontology Master’s program is part of a consortium of universities connected through IDEA. While Iowa State University is your home university where you will apply, register for courses and receive your diploma, you’ll benefit from the diverse perspectives and unique strengths brought by classmates and expert faculty at partner universities.

Learn more about the IDEA program at Iowa State.

Admissions Requirements

Graduate College Requirements:

  • 4 year Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)
  • Academic Records/Transcripts
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (Program may alter requirement.)
  • Proof of English Proficiency.

For details visit the Graduate College website.


Total credits: 30

The Course Planner provides a list of courses and shows when they are traditionally offered.

Non-degree credits
You may take up to nine graduate credit hours as a non-degree-seeking student before being formally admitted to the program. If you are interested in taking courses as a non-degree student, please start by applying as a non-degree student through the Admissions Office and contact to schedule your courses once your application has been approved.


As a member of IDEA, all students pay universal tuition. For more information, visit the IDEA website.

The Innovative Digital Education Alliance

IDEA Contacts

Gilda Figueroa
Campus Coordinator
2624 Howe Hall

David Welshhons
Graduate Student Services Specialist
2624 Howe Hall

Joe Sample
Faculty Adviser
1369 Palmer Building

Related Online Programs

Online Gerontology Certificate