Seed Technology and Business -Master’s

Seed Technology and Business

If you are a professional working in the seed sector, the Graduate Program in Seed Technology and Business (STB) has been designed specifically with your needs in mind. The STB program offers a completely online, interdisciplinary Master of Science degree that provides you with current seed science and technology instruction along with essential courses in business management in a rigorous, integrated curriculum.


The STB program, delivered entirely online, is focused on preparing you for seed-related management roles. The rigorous curriculum consists of fifteen courses that are developed and delivered by full-time faculty members from Iowa State University and other U.S. universities. Business courses highlight seed-related issues, while the science and technology courses focus on practical applications. Courses emphasize interactivity with fellow students and faculty. You will be encouraged to share your work experiences with other members of the group.

Your online courses will typically consist of a combination of pre-recorded lectures, homework, threaded discussions, short papers, and examinations. Most importantly—you will have the freedom to study when and where your schedule permits. The program is designed especially for professionals working in the seed sector who will benefit from fresh perspectives on how seed delivers value to users and society. Our emphasis on the development of superior problem-solving and analytic skills will help you advance the industry and your career.

Admissions Requirements

Graduate College Requirements:

  • 4 year Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)
  • Academic Records/Transcripts
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (Program may alter requirement.)
  • Proof of English Proficiency

For more information visit the Graduate College website.


Required credits: 36

In addition to assigned coursework, you will complete a two-credit creative component exploring a significant research issue of relevance to you. You will work with Iowa State University graduate faculty to develop and refine your creative component project.

Contact Information

Lori Youngberg

Iowa State Online