Have you already signed up for our Online usRAP Training Courses?

Please refrain from registering for the same course if you already have. Contact isopd@iastate.edu for a course access extension request.

  • Instruction

    Fill out this registration form to access usRAP course you’ve chosen. Since the course fees are being waived by RSF, provide the full address and name of the employer.

  • *To Southern Indian customers, please spell out your last name rather than just one letter as your last name.
  • *If you are from outside of the United States, please add your country code at the beginning of your phone number.
  • *Are you a student? List the employer as a “student” and “name of school” instead.
  • If you would like to order more than one course, please purchase separately.
  • Course Details:

    Once you sign up for a specific course, you will be contacted by our office with User ID/Password and course URL within two business days.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.