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Father, agronomist, and graduate

Father, agronomist, and graduate

Jordan Hauck’s path to success through online education with Iowa State Online 

In a journey of resilience and determination, Jordan Hauck, a new father, agronomist, and graduate, discovered a path to success through Iowa State University’s master’s in agronomy program. Hauck is a working adult student juggling the demands of fatherhood and a challenging career in agronomy. His story is a testament to the transformative power of flexible online education that offers the freedom to thrive in both personal and professional realms.

Iowa State University’s online master’s in agronomy program has provided a highly advanced distance degree program known for its flexibility and integration for over 25 years. The program is led by the same group of esteemed faculty members who teach Iowa State’s on-campus courses. This ensures that every student receives exceptional education and training from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The online agronomy master’s of science degree provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the field while opening doors to a world of professional opportunities.

For Hauck, the freedom that online education provided was game-changing. With an infant at home, the prospect of quitting his job to attend full-time traditional classes was less than appealing. Online learning’s flexibility allowed him to balance his ambitions with his responsibilities, making it the perfect fit for his demanding lifestyle. “It was a no-brainer for me,” he affirmed.

However, Hauck’s story was not without its share of challenges. During his graduate program, he received a skin cancer diagnosis, a heavy burden to bear for someone who spent considerable time working outdoors as an agronomist. This diagnosis added a layer of physical, emotional, and financial toll to an already demanding life. Despite this setback, Hauck’s determination and the support he received allowed him to push through and continue his academic pursuit.

Throughout his academic journey, Hauck found unwavering support from a network of colleagues, staff, and faculty members. Help and guidance were always within reach, with professors making their office hours readily accessible. With this system in place, Hauck never felt unsupported alone. “From top to bottom,” he emphasized, he received the assistance necessary for a successful academic path.

Hauck’s professors sang his praises. “Jordan’s success is rooted in his unwavering commitment to the field. His creative component reflected Jordan’s forward-thinking approach as an agronomist; he is truly visionary, diligent and dedicated,” shared Hauck’s major professor and advisor David Kwaw-Mensah, PhD, Associate Teaching Professor, who taught four of the courses in Hauck’s program.

Hauck’s experience with Iowa State was all about taking his career to the next level. He had dreamed of a shift from finance into agronomy/territory management for at least five years. The program provided him with a solid foundation in agronomy, covering topics like crop protection, soil science, and plant science. On top of enhancing his existing knowledge, the program offered the credentials he needed to break into his desired field, making his dream a reality.

“The opportunity to earn an advanced credential through online courses was crucial for my career. I would not have the role I have today if I did not go back to get my master’s online at Iowa State.” Hauck’s current role is evidence of the value of an Iowa State master’s degree. He secured the position with one semester left in the program. He believes that joining the program showcased his ambition, willingness to learn, and dedication to personal growth — qualities highly valued by his employers and managers. Hauck also believes this achievement is just the beginning. The combination of his degree and professional experiences will unlock exciting opportunities for years to come.

As if managing his new job role, a newborn, graduate school and a cancer diagnosis wasn’t enough for one person to handle, Hauck launched his own business designing a line of UPF-rated clothing to protect people against the sun’s damaging rays. Despite the overwhelming mountain of responsibilities on his shoulders, he thrived, demonstrating remarkable resilience and determination.

Hauck understands that returning to school can be intimidating but said it doesn’t have to be a heavy burden. “With the online agronomy master’s program, you don’t have to go back to school full-time. You can do most of it online, and you have flexibility. You don’t have to change your whole lifestyle; the program is catered to working professionals so that you can balance your work and school commitments.” Most of his program (and many others) can be completed online, providing the flexibility to maintain your current lifestyle. Iowa State’s online programs are designed to be professional-friendly, ensuring your educational pursuits fit seamlessly into your life.

If you are ready to begin your journey toward achieving your career goals, explore the options for online learning with Iowa State Online and request more information now.

Jordan Hauck
Crown Cover, Wear the Cure

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