Seed Physiology and the Environment

Registration is now open for August 2024 Course
Learn about seed physiology—from anywhere.
Seed Physiology and the Environment is a course offered by Iowa State University that provides a learning opportunity for those with experience in the field. This opportunity to study with a renowned professor is presented in an online environment using recorded lectures, discussion, and activities that reinforce the concepts of seed physiology. As an industry professional, you will be interacting with students seeking academic credit in a blended learning environment.
In this course, you will explore the metabolic processes during seed development, maturation, deterioration, dormancy, and germination, and the relationship between seed deterioration and seedling vigor. The learning and communication ability of the students is enhanced through team approaches to problem-solving and class discussions. The class consists of lectures, critical evaluation of current literature, and class discussion. A special emphasis is given to the effect of different environmental stresses on metabolic pathways during seed development and maturation.
Intended Audience
The course is intended for a broad audience within the seed industry. The information presented in this course is useful for anyone working with seed, from seed producers and plant breeders, to seed conditioning specialist and seed company administrators and sale representatives interested in the effect of environmental factors on their seed products.
The course modules were designed to provide fundamental knowledge about the interaction between seed and the environment surrounding them. The modules are divided into the stages of seed development, seed maturation, seed dormancy, seed deterioration and each module highlights the influence of environmental conditions during each phase on final seed germination and seed vigor. Modules also include easy games, educational movies, and exercises to help remember important concepts of seed biology. While the course highlights examples from corn and soybean as model crops, the knowledge is easily transferable to other monocotyledonous (grasses) and dicotyledonous (legumes, cucurbits, brassicas, etc.) species. The course is also beneficial for a global audience working with seed.
Learning Outcomes
Course Outline
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the physiological processes involved in seed development, maturation, dormancy, deterioration, and germination.
- Understand how environmental conditions in the field and storage impact seed physiological fitness.
- Solve real case scenarios by integrating knowledge learned in class and at work.
- Develop the ability to critically evaluate and interpret published research.
- Short quizzes after each lecture video (13 in total; 10 points each)
- Case scenario discussions (4 in total; 25 points each)
- Other practice exercises for extra points
- Module 1: Seed Development
- Module 2: Seed Desiccation and Dormancy
- Module 3: Seed Deterioration & Storage
- Module 4: Seed Re-hydration and Germination
- Module 5: Seed Quality and Seed Testing
- Module 6: Recalcitrant Seeds
Course Procedures
The course starts on August 26, 2024. All coursework must be completed before the course ends on December 11, 2024. Once your registration information is received, we will send you your username and password to access the course site.
Live Zoom class will be held every Wednesday from 12 PM to 1:30 PM (US Central Time). The class is recorded and the videos will be uploaded weekly to a course website in Canvas Learning Management System. You can join the live class via Zoom or watch the recordings at your own time.
This is not a self-paced online course. You will complete the assignments by the due dates listed in the syllabus.
Upon completion of the assessment and the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Registration will open from June 1, 2024 to September 10, 2024. You can register at any time within this period. Next course offering will be scheduled in Fall 2026. Check back in Fall 2025 for information about future course offerings.
Course Materials
Course materials are provided within the course. No additional purchase is required.
You can purchase the following course textbook if desired.
Bewley, J.D., K.J. Bradford, H.W.M. Hilhorst and H. Nonogaki. 2013. Seeds: physiology of development and germination, 3rd ed. Springer, NY.
Contact Information
Contact for more information.
Registration Cost: $200.00 USD
Course Hours: 32 hours
Course Start Date: August 26, 2024
Course Access Duration: 117 Days
August 26, 2024 – December 20, 2024
Course Registration Deadline: September 10, 2024
A. Susana Goggi
A. Susana Goggi is a Professor of Agronomy at Iowa State University. Her seed physiology research and teaching program addresses major seed quality issues confronting the seed industry in Iowa and globally. She also collaborates with the seed industry on shorter-term research projects to address current seed challenges with immediate practical application. Goggi provides seed physiology advice to the seed industry through direct consultations, on-site training of personnel at seed industry education conferences, and by participating in Seed Science Center-sponsored workshops. She is a scholar with more than 100 publications and ~65 invited research presentations at professional meetings worldwide, and has secured more than 12.5M in funding to support her research program. She has chaired the Iowa Seed Association Scholarship Committee since 2014.